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Green Carts Welcome Summer!!

Blog entry posted by ahvieya 1 year ago

 Green Carts are mobile food carts that offer fresh vegetables and fruits. There are 1000 of them located in different places all over New York City areas.  According to Local Law 9, signed by Mayor Bloomberg.  350 permits were granted for Brooklyn and Bronx, 150 for Manhattan, 100 for Queens, and 50 for Staten Island. Green Carts provides easier access for people to get healthier food.
green Carts welcomes Summer!!Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber; low in fat, calories and sodium. Eating more fruits and vegetables helps to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and even stroke. Green Carts give fresh choices for people to have a healthier body.
 Following the wonderful weather, Green Carts are like cherry blossom appear everywhere around New York City. Its fresh products attract people to stop and shop. The vendors are very hospitalized and helpful, picking the sweetest fruits for their customers.
Green Carts delivers healthy food options for New Yorkers!


Riverside wrote

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Yum! I always get my fruit (and sometimes veggies) from Green Carts.. There's one on 125th St, in front of the Rite Aid that always has a huge selection!

Laura wrote

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Wow those look delicious! I love summer because there's always so much fresh fruit around!