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Staying healthy when immobile?!

Blog entry posted by cesar 26 weeks ago
Key words: Fitness, Work Out At Home, Recovery, Exercise.

I had a hip replacement a few weeks ago and my healthy eating and exercising regimen has taken a backseat to recovery. It's been 3 weeks post op and I've been seriously thinking about getting back on the wagon. I (thankfully) have a little help at home so healthy food hasn't been horrendous, and now that I am more mobile, I can use my little hand weights for a few exercises. 

This will be interesting. I usually go to the gym or...as a busy body I am used to just running here and there to get a little "exercise". I have a lot of restrictions on the types of movements or positions I can be in while the new hip settles and my incision heals so a lot of what I might usually do, can't be done right now. For example: I can't get on the ground to even pretend to do ab work (not my favourite anyway).

Yesterday, I did about 30minutes of arms and back and standing ab work. I found some videos on Self.com.  Here are the links:



so if anyone is immobile or if you have any other ideas, share your thoughts with me! It'll keep me occupied through my recovery.






FaithLMT wrote

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Until it goes away. You also want to regain your range of motion so stretch and move as much as you can. Don't push anything. Less is more. You really just want to put your body through its paces, to keep the circulation there, so new blood goes in, toxins go out.

Sounds like you have a good regimen for yourself.

cesar wrote

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Thanks, FaithLMT. Recovery is going well. I was told specifically to massage my incision area because of the scarring that would build up as it healed. It's less bumpy but I have to keep at it for it to stay that way. I was told it could take up to a year to fully heal from surgery, do you know if I have to massage my incision for that long?

I look forward to reading posts from you on this site!

FaithLMT wrote

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And also, have a speedy recovery!

FaithLMT wrote

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Massage helps to speed recovery. As you can see by my username, I;m a licensed massage therapist. I just joined the site and hope to provide the community with information on massage, stress relief techniques and health improvement. I'm not sure of the rules yet on advertising my therapeutic services, but I am available and affordable in the neighborhood.

nbruning wrote

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I'm so glad to hear that you are making such a joyful effort to be in shape after your surgery. How about turning to Michele Obama's arms for inspiration? If you want some more arm exercises, listen to the recording of my radio blog, "How to Get Arms Like Michelle Obama" at:
and read my article on the same topic at: http://tiny.cc/ndie5