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Making the streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists in East Harlem

Blog entry posted by EastSideStreets 1 year ago

In Mid-April, Transportation Alternatives, with support from the Communities I.M.P.A.C.T Diabetes Center, hosted a workshop to make East Harlem's streets safer for pedestrians, transit riders and bicyclists. We heard from 40+ local residents, health organizations, schools and community board members about how they use the street to get to work, school or run errands, what issues they experience, and how they think the streets can be made safer for walking and biking. Key themes from the night were: 



-     Pedestrians: Longer crossing times and audio cues for those with vision-impairments. Shorter crossing distances with pedestrian refuge islands and medians.

-     Bicyclists: More bike lanes and other bike infrastructure, such as bike parking.

-     Congestion: Better management of large trucks and delivery vehicles.

-     Safety and Enforcement: Greater enforcement of traffic laws for all road users.

-     Streetscape Enhancements: More curb extensions, bollards, street furniture, trees, and other plantings.

Among the many fabulous ideas shared there was talk of finding “pollution solutions” and of creating “living intersections” where people can exercise while waiting for the bus and stay cool under mist-machines.

This workshop marked the beginning of the East Side streets visioning process. It was the third in a series of six along the entire East Side and is part of the East Side Streets Coalition. The information gathered will contribute to the East Side Action Plan launching in the fall of 2025.

To stay involved and/or continue to share your thoughts on how the streets can be made safer?

* Join the Coalition
* Take
the East Side Streets Survey (look for link at top of page)



carolyn wrote

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Living intersections? Interesting idea! That would be great in the muggy summer months!

hthai wrote

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I really like this idea of having the street safer for pedestrians and cyclist. The pollution solutions and the living intersection sounds great and it would be nice to see that around one day!