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Getting Healthy in Harlem

Blog entry posted by Laura 1 year ago

The longer I live in Harlem the more and more excuses I make to live an unhealthy life. Case in point: last night I was talking to my boyfriend about my recent aversion to most fruits and vegetables - especially lettuce and cucumbers (two vegetables that I've never had any problems with in the past.) I told him (who doesn't live in Harlem) that it makes sense that I hate them because everytime I buy them or go to buy them at a food store near my apartment, they aren't very fresh and they spoil very quickly. He told me I was crazy and that I'm coming up with every excuse possible to live an unhealthy life. Then he told me that I really should start exercising again. (I used to go for jogging every other day to get exercise). I told him that I couldn't because it isn't safe for a woman to be outside jogging herself in this city - especially since I prefer to run at night. He again, regarded my explanations as excuses.


With his annoying nudging, I've decided that I have to begin making small changes, like Tracey Tann Parker did, to start living a healthier life with more activity and nutritious food, and less EXCUSES!


I started today by bringing a banana with me for lunch... let's see where it gets me...