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Laura's blog


Expanded recycling in NYC??

Blog entry posted by Laura 1 year ago

For New Yorkers who like to recycle, there's some pretty good news in our future.  It looks like they are trying to pass a law that will expand recycling of plastics in New York.  This means that we can finally recycle items like yogurt containers, plastic fast food containers, laundry detergent containers and more!  It


No good reason to leave your car running when you're not driving!

Blog entry posted by Laura 1 year ago

You know what bothers me to no end? Cars who idle in front of my apartment! You know what I mean... they just park there, with their cars running and their music blasting ruining not only my peace and quiet, but also my fresh air! (Well, as fresh as it can be in the city anyway!)


Making some changes before I get diabetes

Blog entry posted by Laura 1 year ago

I recently learned that just because you are at risk for diabetes (have pre-diabetes), doesn't mean you are going to get diabetes.


Getting Healthy in Harlem

Blog entry posted by Laura 1 year ago

The longer I live in Harlem the more and more excuses I make to live an unhealthy life.