Healthy Vending Machine and Ice Cream Truck Choices
I was just watching the Rachael Ray show and they had someone (Liz Vaccariello) on there that showed you how to make healthy choices when eating at a vending machine. Surprisingly, if you want chips Veggie chips can be just as bad as regular chips - so can baked chips! Apparently Soy Crisps are much healthier.
Here's what she said about Soy Crisps: "It has four times the protein (which is going to fill you up) and five times the fiber of a regular chip. You’re going to get the same amount of calories as a regular potato chip, but you’re going to feel fuller for longer."
Check out the video online!
In terms of candy - you should pick Raisinettes or Dark Chocolate as a healthier, more filling choice. Why? because the Raisinettes "have half a serving of real fruit."
Who knew?!
They also had segment about choosing the right ice cream at ice cream trucks. One of my favorites, ice craem sandwiches, actually is one of the best choices: "This is one of the best choices if you want ice cream in the package," Liz says about the 110-calorie treat. "You're only going to have about half a cup of ice cream between the little layers of chocolate." However, Liz says to look out for the Chipwich. "You have a chocolate cookie cake that’s surrounding the ice cream. And with the chocolate chips, that's going to add about 200-300 calories." AWESOME!
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Posted 47 weeks ago
Coll5 wrote
Flag as inappropriateI wish I actually liked Raisinettes, then I wouldn't choose Reese's Pieces or M&M's instead. Oh well.
Posted 47 weeks ago
cesar wrote
Flag as inappropriateooh. I love Raisinettes! Gives me yet another reason to eat them when I come across a vending machine. but yes, it is hard to pass over the other chocolate goodies....
Posted 47 weeks ago
Emma Delia wrote
Flag as inappropriateToo bad I love the chipwich...