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The Runner's Walk of Shame

Blog entry posted by Riverside 38 weeks ago

After a long, fun weekend away on the Jersey shore that did not include any running (or any Snooki-like scenarios), I decided I needed to "get back on the horse" so to speak and get my butt out for a nice(?) 2-mile run this morning.  Lacking the motivation, like last week, I turned to a friend who sent me a link to 101 Kicks in the Butt, an article that gives you 101 reasons TO run; since we know there are so many reasons NOT to run...

After reading the article and generally feeling guilty about not running this weekend, I geared up and went out for a run.  Literally less that one song on my mp3 player in, my run came to an abrupt halt.  (yeah, that's right - less than three minutes into the run!)... I tripped on the sidewalk.  One of those extremely dramatic flying-through-the-air moments when you know that anyone who saw it would probably rate you a 9.0 (out of 10) for style, but 1.0 for grace... One of those moments where all at once I knew my run had come to an end for the day. (and maybe the week? forever???)

I sat up (That's right - I somehow ended up completely sprawled out on the sidewalk, face down) and realized my hands were bleeding, my knee was dripping blood, and my shoulder was completely scraped up.  The one passerby who saw it all happen was concerned and asked me if I was OK.  I told him I was OK, stood up, and walked home defeated.  What I WANTED to tell him was NO! I'm not OK! I'm an unathletic klutz who apparently can't navigate a SIDEWALK!

I know that people usually talk about the "walk of shame" after a night of drinking when you end up waking up at a near-stranger's apartment and having to walk home, dressed to the nines in your clothes from last night but feeling the effects of a VERY serious hangover... but I think there's also a "runner's walk of shame" - and that's exactly what I experienced today.

"A runner's walk of shame" is easier in that you are probably not wearing the high-heeled stillettos from last night, but it's just as embarassing.  With blood dripping down your near-sweaty body --  dressed in your finest running shorts, work-out tee, and running sneakers (there's no mistaking you for an average person) -- you stagger home gaining stares of pity from strangers and regretting that last second of running when you should have picked your foot up just a centimenter more.  (Yes, I even turn to the metric system in this case)  Then you get home, much like other walks of shame, and you need to spend time cleaning yourself up, dealing with feelings of shame and regret, and most definitely calling a good friend to cry/vent/talk about it. 

My walk of shame also consisted of an internal battle of what I should do next: bandage it all up and continue running? Accept that I had failed for the day and try again tomorrow? Give up running all together; afterall, I clearly don't have the coordination to be an athlete..?

All I can say today is that I'm not going back to run today.  Tomorrow will be another battle - but for today I'm going to sit home, mope about my hands, knee, and shoulder that are all stinging like CRAZY right now... and try and convince myself this happens to the best of them and I should get out there again tomorrow.  ::SIGH::  Couldn't it just be easy?!?!



Coll5 wrote

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Oh no! Riverside! That's horrible! BUT, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I know it's corny, but after taking a break today, you'll be able to get back into the running tomorrow. Good luck!

cesar wrote

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oh no! I hope you feel better. Keep at it! I'll keep cheering you on more loudly now (I've been quietly reading your blog), since I started my own fitness regimen (if you can call it that), and your battles echo many of mine. Like you, I have fallen off the horse a billion times and always have the excuse that working out at home just doesn't work for me.

So, as of yesterday, I've gotten up earlier than normal to do 30minutes of workouts from ExerciseTV before work. *sigh* I am really sore and not really excited about this, but it's free and I need to be better about my health so...

KEEP GOING!! I hope your were able to bandage yourself up and get over your little stumble so that you can start again tomorrow. GO RIVERSIDE!!!

Riverside wrote

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Thanks for the encouragement Cesar! Good luck on your exercising as well! I've been SO sore today - why is it that scrapes are so painful?! I'm all bandaged up and used my aloe plant to soothe the wounds that did not need to be bandaged... hopefully by tomorrow my knee will be feeling good enough to go for a walk/run. More than anything I'm just frustrated at myself for ACTUALLY going out to run and doing something so careless (albeit accidental). Let me know how your exerciseTV workouts are going - maybe it will motivate me to continue! I did sign up for that 5K in October, so I better get my motivation and courage back soon!

Riverside wrote

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Yuck - I still haven't gotten back out there! My knee and hands are still pretty raw and bending my knee is still not a pleasant experience... hopefully by this weekend I will be feeling better and can get back out running! ::Sigh:: Trying not to dwell on this set-back and trying to stay positive and motivated!