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Stay Healthy This Winter!

Blog entry posted by RenataB 29 weeks ago

Brrrrrr!!! Winter is coming soon and it’s getting really cold outside. It’s time to put on those warm jackets and button up!

Hello everyone! My name is Renata and I’m a student at Touro College of Pharmacy. I’m really excited to be writing this blog and updating you guys on important health information. For this week, I have decided to give you some helpful tips on how to not get sick this winter.

  • Get your flu shot. This year, it is suggested by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that everyone older than 6 months get a flu shot. Getting a flu shot is easier than ever before, because you can now get it in your local pharmacy. Your flu shot may be fully covered by your insurance, especially if you have Medicare Part D or Medicaid. I would advise everyone to get their flu shot this year. It is definitely worth it knowing that you are protected. 
  • Wash your hands often. Washing your hands is important because it helps get rid of harmful germs. You should also teach children to do the same. The flu and colds can be passed by dirty hands, as well as coughing and sneezing. You should wash hands in warm soapy water for at least 15 seconds. It is also a great idea to carry around hand sanitizer if you know you won’t be near a sink.
  • Stay away from people who are sick. If you see that someone is feeling under the weather, it is best to not go near them. If someone is sneezing or coughing, try to step away from them so that they do not get you sick. It is also very important to keep babies away from sick people as well, because their immune systems are still weak.
  • Live a healthy way of life. Practicing healthy habits can keep your body healthy and your immune system up. You should eat a balanced diet, that includes lots of fruits and vegetables. Cut down on soda and drink water instead. Make sure you get enough sleep every night. You should also exercise whenever you can to keep your heart healthy. Also, do your best to keep your stress level in check. Doing these things can keep you healthy and make you feel great.

If you have any questions about staying healthy, post them here, and I will try to answer them. Remember, keep warm and don’t let the winter blues get you down!


Get Set for Winter Illness Season. (n.d.). U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page. Retrieved November 11, 2025, from http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm092805.htm