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Increasing the "Good " HDL Cholesterol levels may reduce your risk for Colon cancer

Blog entry posted by The Health Buzz 12 weeks ago

New study suggests that increasing HDL cholesterol levels reduces the risk of Colon cancer. Another good reason to increase your HDL cholesterol!

 Here are 7 ways you can increase your HDL levels:

1. Aerobic exercise

2. Weight loss

3. Increase consumption of nonsaurated fats (avocado, olive oil, peanut butter, etc..)

4. Decrease transfats (fried foods, processed foods, baked goods with saturated fats, etc...)

5. Increase consumption of soluble fiber (apples, kidney beans, lentils, oats, broccoli, legumes, etc..)

6. Good source of Omega3's rich in EPA and DHA ( salmon, walnuts, flax seeds, supplements, etc...)

7. Decrease alcohol consumption

See article; http://consumer.healthday.com/Article.asp?AID=650630



Laura wrote

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I feel like we're always getting the same health advice over and over and over again:

Exercise more/lose weight/eat better/drink and smoke less.

I wish people were giving me more "tangible" advice on how to exercise more/lose weight/eat better... because it's not like I don't already know I should be doing these things, I just don't know HOW to do them.

The Health Buzz wrote

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Good point! I hold a health and wellness presentation every 2nd Wed of the month at Sisters Uptown bookstore 1942 Amsterdam Ave. I also teach and coach people how to loose weight, type of exercise they should do, and help guide them to a path of good health. Contact me at thehealthbuzz@yahoo.com if you are interested in learning the "how to's"