Harlem Word: Mary Alice Lee and Maddalena Polletta tell us why it's good to build parks and playgrounds in New York City
The NYC Playground Program connects schools and communities to create playgrounds at schools in New York City. There are several benefits these playgrounds offer for the students at the schools and their neighbors living in the surrounding community. Read the article below to learn more from Mary Alice Lee and Maddalena Polletta!
Harlem Word: Mary Alice Lee and Maddalena Polletta talk about some elements of the Harlem playgrounds constructed by NYC Playground Program
Since 1996, the Trust for Public Land (TPL) has built playgrounds at schools throughout New York City, including Harlem. In Harlem, they've worked at Future Leaders Institute (134 W. 122nd Street), P.S. 180 Hugo Newman (370 W. 120th Street), P.S. 076 A Philip Randolph (220 W. 121st Street), and J.H.S. 90 Julia de Burgos Junior High School/Academy of Environmental Science Secondary High School (410 E. 100th Street). Read more about these fun and beautiful community spaces in this interview with Maddalena Polletta and Mary Alice Lee below-then you should visit them to see how great they are!
Harlem One Stop
Harlem One Stop provides a list of parks in Harlem. Fine the one closest to you!
Harlem Word: Mary Alice Lee talks about how non-profit Trust for Public Land protects open space in New York City
Mary Alice Lee has her Master's degree in urban planning. Her primary interest is the creation of parks. She worked at the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation before joining the Trust for Public Land (TPL) in 2025. Now, she is the director of the NYC Playground Program. She is able to combine her interests in community outreach and urban planning to create parks and playgrounds that entire communities can enjoy. Because Mary Alice grew up in New York City with a limited school yard, she understands how important it is for kids here to have safe, fun, beautiful places to play. Read more about TPL and what programs they have in New York City below!
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Harlem Word: Nancy Bruning tells us about her ideas for improving parks
Nancy Bruning, MPH, is a public health researcher who runs fitness groups in Fort Tryon Park in Northern Manhattan. Based on her work in New York City parks, she has a lot of thoughts about how they can be used for fitness. Read more about her ideas below!
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We're hiking again!
I'm thrilled to be participating in Hike the Heights 6. you know my thing is outdoor activities--fitness alfresco--and this Saturday June 5th I will be leading an "urban hike" from one park to another, picking up more people along the way.
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- nbruning's blog
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- 178 reads
Hike the Heights - north hike to Highbridge Park
Don't miss this coming Saturday's special event.
Harlem Word: Nancy Bruning tells us about how parks can be valuable for physical activity
Nancy Bruning, MPH, is a fitness instructor and public health researcher who runs a weekly outdoor fitness program in Fort Tryon Park in Northern Manhattan. In this article, she talks about how parks are a great location to get exercise and the reasons why.
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- 257 reads
Harlem Word: Nancy Bruning discusses the importance of eating healthy along with being physically active
Nancy Bruning, MPH, is a fitness instructor and public health researcher in New York City. In this article, she talks about her belief that people should combine healthy eating with exercise to improve health and well-being.
Did you know…improving your health without paying a lot is easier than you might think?
Do you think that you have to spend a lot of money on gym memberships to get fit? How about on healthy food? Check out some helpful ways to improve your health without having to pay a lot!
Exercise outside instead of the gym!
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