Did you know… there are things you can do to lower your cholesterol!
Has your doctor told you that your cholesterol is high? If s/he has, the good news is that there are things you can do to bring it down!
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Increasing the "Good " HDL Cholesterol levels may reduce your risk for Colon cancer
New study suggests that increasing HDL cholesterol levels reduces the risk of Colon cancer. Another good reason to increase your HDL cholesterol!
Here are 7 ways you can increase your HDL levels:
1. Aerobic exercise
2. Weight loss
3. Increase consumption of nonsaurated fats (avocado, olive oil, peanut butter, etc..)
Harlem Word: Maudene Nelson tells us that it doesn’t matter if you eat red meat or white meat, it just matters how much of it you have!
Maudene Nelson, RD, CDE tells us why it can be good for our health to eat less meat than we usually do. Maudene has been a nutrition educator at the Columbia University Institute of Human Nutrition for the past thirty years. She is also a diabetes educator at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center.
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Did you know…you can improve your cholesterol by eating fiber?
Why is high cholesterol a problem?
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that your body can make and is also found in foods that come from animals like cheese, meat, and eggs. Your body needs some cholesterol, but when blood cholesterol is too high it can lead to heart disease. In our blood, there are two main types of cholesterol:
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Harlem Word: Maudene Nelson, RD, CDE talks about how people with diabetes can start changing their diets for the better
Maudene Nelson, RD, CDE has been a nutrition educator at the Columbia University Institute of Human Nutrition for the past thirty years. She is also a diabetes [healthopedia] educator at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center where she teaches people with diabetes how to make their diets better in order to improve their health. Here she tells us how people with diabetes can start changing the things they eat to manage their diabetes.
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Garlic Truths and Myths
1) Mytgarlich Garlic helps blood pressure, cholesterol and cancer
Truth , It has been theorized that garlic helps all of the above , but studies have only shown it to be effective on cholesterol only, it has in some studies there is about a 5-10 % decrease. Studies for cancer prevention and treating high blood pressure have given inconsistent results.
2) Myth You must cook your food with Garlic
Truth The protein that makes the effects of garlic , becaome inactivated by heat and activated by crushing or chewing . Therefore, only raw garlic is helpful
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- noellicenter's blog
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Harlem Word: Dr. Thomas Nickolas talks about keeping your cholesterol low in order to keep your kidneys healthy
Dr. Thomas Nickolas, a nephrologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital tells us what we can do to keep our kidneys in good health. He also tells us what cholesterol is and how you can keep your cholesterol levels low.
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Quiz yourself on heart disease
Want to test you knowledge about heart disease? This quiz will help assess what you know and learn about ways to reduce your risk of heart disease.
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How much do you know about cholesterol?
Take the Cholesterol Quiz to see how much you know about cholesterol and learn ways to make your diet healthier
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Did You Know...changing the type of oil you cook with can help your health?
Changing the type of oil you use is an easy way to reduce calories and fat from your diet.
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