Environment Blog entrys
Environment Blog entrys
Can your cellphone be causing you to develop cancer of the brain?
There has been a lot of controversy as to the safety of cellular phones and the amount of radiofrequency radiation emitted from them. Nevertheless, the use of cellphones continue to rise.
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- The Health Buzz's blog
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New York Farm City Featuring Nourishing NYC
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- NourishingNYC's blog
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Removing Salt Stains
For those of us who live in the norther climates every 5-6 months we get a ton of the big white stuff called snow. With snow we get ice and with ice most city authorities use salt to melt the ice and give better traction. During those winter months your boots, gloves and sleeves get miserable salt stains in the form of white powdering spots.
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- greenone's blog
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Should a child with life threatening allergies be allowed to attend school?
Parents of other children at a public school in Florida are demanding that a six year old classmate be removed from school due to her life threatening peanut allergy.They state that they should not have to make accomodations to protect the child's health. As is, there are many rules their children must follow such as washing their hands and rinsing their mouths before entering the classroom.
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- The Health Buzz's blog
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Fundraiser for Helping Harlem Moms at Neighborhood Holistic
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- Lyngenet's blog
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Is It Your Genes or Your Environment? Epi-Genetics and You
Does high blood pressure, a big belly, or cancer run in your family? Does that mean you're doomed to get these too? The burgeoning field of epi-genetics is working on the answer. Epi-genetics is the science of what makes our genes express themselves the way they do.
JETS game and Breast Cancer
Watching the JETS game and all of the football players are wearing pink sneakers, pink gloves, and pink hand towels in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!! If these macho men can wear pink we can all do it. Support Breast Cancer Awarenes Month and ladies don't forget to get screened!!!!!!!!
- Ash22's blog
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How to get cigarette smoke smell out of a car
If you have ever purchased a privately owned car, you may are left wondering how to get the smell of cigarette smoke out of a car. There are some people go the additional mile to detail their automobiles before sale, but if you're scoping a spur-of-the-moment deal that is on Craigslist, you may be purchasing an AS-IS car that doubled as a mobile smoking lounge.
Have you heard about the Power of One?
I recently learned about the "Power of One" card from Stephanie Pope Caffey and I was immediately interested. It's a great way to keep money spent at local Harlem businesses in the Harlem community. Read more below!
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- Coll5's blog
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Playstreets in NYC
Check out the parks website for free playstreets in all five boroughs!
- Emma Delia's blog
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